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Ministry of Finance enacts the 2022 Indonesian Kepabeanan Tariff Book starting April

The Directorate General of Bea Cukai and Excise of the Ministry of Finance enforces the 2022 Indonesian Kepabeanan Rate Book which is regulated

through PMK number 26/PMK.010/22 concerning Stipulation of Goods Classification System and Imposition of Import Duty tariff on Imported Goods

starting April 1, 2022.

The classification includes provisions for the interpretation of the Harmonized System (KUMHS), records and the structure of the classification of goods compiled

based on the Harmonized System (HS) and the ASEAN Harmonized Tariff Nomenclature (AHTN).


The addition of subheadings in the 2022 AHTN accommodates the previous strategic interests of Indonesia’s industry and trade

absent in the 2017 AHTN, including batik products, textiles, CPO, agriculture and fish and fishery products.

Then breathing aids or ventilators, hospital beds, several medical devices and products related to the development of the vehicle industry

electric motors, namely electric motors and their batteries as well as motor vehicles, electric bicycles and similar products.


Broadly speaking, the implementation of BTKI is a manifestation of the duties and functions of Customs, namely in the revenue collection aspect it is used

for the purpose of collecting import duties, export duties and taxes in the context of imports.


BTKI 2022 diharapkan dapat memfasilitasi perdagangan internasional dengan mempermudah proses impor dan ekspor serta proses pertukaran data.


Source: https://www.antaranews.com/berita/2791929/kemenkeu-berlakukan-buku-tarif-kepabeanan-indonesia-2022-mulai-april

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