WPC Logistics

Government issues latest regulations for the import of clothing products and clothing accessories to protect domestic business person.

The government has issued new regulations regarding the imposition of Safeguard Measures Import Duties (BMTP) for clothing products and clothing accessories. The policy contained in the Minister of Finance Regulation (PMK) number 142/PMK.010/21 has been effective starting 12 November 2021 for three years.

BMTP is a state levy that can be imposed on imported goods in the event of a surge in imports, both absolute and relative to similar domestically produced goods or goods that are directly competitive, and the surge in imports causes or threatens to incur serious losses to the domestic industry.

In this latest regulation, the Government imposes BMTP on 134 tariff posts for clothing products and clothing accessories. The range of BMTP imposed on clothing and clothing accessories as stipulated in this latest policy is between Rp. 19,260 to Rp. 63,000 per piece for the first year and gradually decreases.

The imposition of the BMTP on clothing products and clothing accessories set by the government applies to all countries, except for the headwear and neckwear segment as many as 8 tariff posts which are produced from 122 countries as stated in the attachment of PMK 142/PMK.010/2021.

The BMTP policy is expected to have a positive impact on the recovery of domestic industry performance and curb imports of clothing and clothing accessories. In this way, the domestic economy can increase in line with the increase in domestic consumption, which will also have an impact on increasing gross domestic product and employment.

Souce: https://beacukai.bisnis.com/read/20211116/468/1466690/pemerintah-terbitkan-aturan-terbaru-impor-produk-pakaian-dan-aksesori-pakaian-untuk-lindungi-pelaku-usaha-dalam-negeri

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